Saturday 26 March, 2011 | By Edo

CAPCOM がんばれ、日本!

I love Japan and I love Street Fighter, so I just had to share this find with you guys. The good folks at CAPCOM put together a couple of sweet
がんばれ、日本!”Do your best, Japan!” wallpapers featuring some of their most memorable characters. M. Bison using his powers for good? Awesome. Also check out Heihachi in the truck, really cool. Can’t wait for Streetfighter X Tekken! Its lighthearted but it reminds us how in Japan and around the world, people have put their differences aside to help out. Check the link below for the wallpapers!

CAPCOM がんばれ、日本!Wallpapers

About the author

Co-Founder/Creative Director, Edwin has been applying his years of experience in the graphic/web design + development to SNTRL since day one. Highly interested in all forms of sub-culture, especially JDM cars, fighting games, street art, street wear, and the fascinating world of Dubstep. Follow @yo_edo to keep up with his quirky tweets about daily life in NYC.

Resident Evil 6 – Captivate Trailer
Resident Evil 6 – Captivate Trailer
Resident Evil 6: The zombies are back.
Resident Evil 6: The zombies are back.
Street Fighter X Tekken: M. Bison, Jin Kazama, Xiaoyu, and Juri trailer
Street Fighter X Tekken: M. Bison, Jin Kazama, Xiaoyu, and Juri trailer

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