Wednesday 01 February, 2012 | By Edo

Flying People in NYC

In NY, we’re pretty numb to lots of the daily weirdness that we see. I can’t imagine the thoughts that went through the minds of onlookers when they saw this, flying people! Chronicle NYC pulled off this awesome stunt with RC planes that were shaped as humans. Must have been great fun to make people on the Brooklyn bridge do a double take. This is definitely something I want to try at home, even though I probably shouldn’t.

About the author

Co-Founder/Creative Director, Edwin has been applying his years of experience in the graphic/web design + development to SNTRL since day one. Highly interested in all forms of sub-culture, especially JDM cars, fighting games, street art, street wear, and the fascinating world of Dubstep. Follow @yo_edo to keep up with his quirky tweets about daily life in NYC.

Indian Larry’s, Brooklyn NYC
Indian Larry’s, Brooklyn NYC
Zoe TV, Ceasars Bay – Brooklyn
Zoe TV, Ceasars Bay – Brooklyn

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