Author Archive
Street Harmony
Kenny Swany’s “LowAndGo” STi – Words by Evan Kaston | Photography by Christopher M. D’Angelo Photography The constant battle between stance cars and race cars is something that’s going to stick with the car community as long as there are cars. Some people prefer the all show and no go look utilizing camber and tires…
A Look Back: H20 International Week 2013
Out of all the pieces I write throughout the year, this is the one that I look forward to the most. H2oi Week is the highlight of every east coast car enthusiasts year, and for a select few even the west coast this year, and this is my chance to look back at it all…
Look Back: Fresh Meet Summer Bash 2013
The last weekend in June marked the fourth of many more meets to come held by the one and only, Fresh Meet family (along with a few others). If you remember, the first Fresh Meet event was held in two small parking lots along with the dead end street that surrounded it. What made that…
Sean’s Little Monster
In today’s car scene, where it’s more competitive than ever so see who can go lower or who can go faster or who can go wider and with some immaculate builds out there, it’s nice to be witness to one that has all these qualities tastefully mixed together in one little car. Sean’s Ap1 s2000…
WekFest East 2012 – Part 2 – The Main Event
To take a line out of the speech of one of the Wekfest administrators right before he began naming the winners of the Wekeast trophies, “it might sound a little gay, but you’re all winners here today.” A truer line could not have been voiced in prelude to the actual category winners; we saw the…
Garagewerks Stance Meet
Ever since I was a little kid, even before my first car, I always had a thing for cars. When I purchased my first toy, a mark three two point slow Jetta, the modifying bug bit me and the rest is history. I myself have always been into the VAG scene but always showed appreciation…