Posts Tagged ‘Func-tion Designs’
Wednesday 13 February, 2013
Nemo the Nor’Easter
What do most people do when they hear of a blizzard coming to town? We can think of at least a dozen things the average person does, all which you have probably heard a million times. Go food shopping, buy extra batteries, stay off the roads and in your home, and so on. If you…
Thursday 22 March, 2012
Honda Day || BulletProof.
Bulletproof continues its far-reaching fame and gives the Honda Day team a ride through its stomping ground. Func-tion Designs and the Honda Day team did their thing with this edit and the proof is in the pudding! 20,000 views in its first 24 hours. You may have seen Bulletproof on SNTRL. Now, get a first…