9/11 – Never Forget
A Moment of Silence to those that were lost on September 11, 2001. Photo by Brian Chin during a ClubSi meet, pre-9/11/01.
Photo by Reuters.
Most of us can still remember that day so clearly. Regardless of where you were that morning, we all shared a moment that will burn in our memories for the rest of our lives. For most of us, the pain, suffering, anger and fear never fail to re-surface during times of remembrance, but I always remind myself that we became stronger and wiser. Things will never be perfect, but we just need to take what we have gone through, make ourselves better for the future, and be sure to honor and thank the Military Servicemen, Policemen, Firefighters, Doctors and Nurses because they are our true heroes.
Can’t Knock Us Out. Photo by One Ton Photograpy of the Freedom Tower and its current progress.
Taken right after 09/11/01 in front Fire Engine Company #20 in Soho, NYC with TMinus’ NSX. Photo by TMinus NYC
We Will Never Forget.