Greddy Bensopra 35RX GT-R

Tuesday 17 January, 2012 | By Edo

Have you heard of BenSopra? They’ve been the talk of the town as of late. Their kit for the GT-R is a full wide body conversion that requires heavy modification to your GT-R. Simply put, if you go BenSopra, there’s probably no turning back. According to the guys over at Hellaflush, the kit goes for an easy $42K. I agree with their statement “$42k, considering Lamborghini body kits cost 72k from Libertywalk, this would be cheap for the wealthy.” At the Tokyo Auto Salon, there were a total of 3 BenSopra GT-R’s on display. The Greddy BenSopra 35RX GT-R being my favorite. The details and power on this thing are just…ok, get this: 1250ps via GReddy 4.3l stroker engine and twin TD06-20G Twin Turbo kit. Type-29 Intercooler, DCT Cooler kit, DCT cooling pan, high-flow Intake Manifold, and of course, a GReddy Exhaust. Today I was pleased to find this promo vid that Greddy put together. The video features the legendary Tarzan Yamada taking this beast over 200MPH at Fuji Speedway. Check out the video to see this thing in action, it’s awesome, TRUST.

As an added bonus, check out these amazing shots of the Greddy BenSopra 35RX GT-R at the Tokyo Auto Salon! These shots come to us from the talented Rob Shaw who was gracious enough to let us display his work on SNTRL. Check out Rob’s Flickr account and website for more eye candy from his travels. On to the photos!

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About the author

Co-Founder/Creative Director, Edwin has been applying his years of experience in the graphic/web design + development to SNTRL since day one. Highly interested in all forms of sub-culture, especially JDM cars, fighting games, street art, street wear, and the fascinating world of Dubstep. Follow @yo_edo to keep up with his quirky tweets about daily life in NYC.

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