Bulletproof FR-S Concept One

Wednesday 14 May, 2014 | By Edo

What can I say that hasn’t been said about the Bulletproof Automotive Scion FR-S Concept-1? An incredible build by Bulletproof Automotive X Powerhouse Amuse, 2 companies who’s names are synonymous with high quality. Their much anticipated video by none other than Maiham-Media has finally debuted. It’s a great watch for a bit more insight on how the project came together. I’m excited to see how much accolade this project car has received, job well done!

About the author

Co-Founder/Creative Director, Edwin has been applying his years of experience in the graphic/web design + development to SNTRL since day one. Highly interested in all forms of sub-culture, especially JDM cars, fighting games, street art, street wear, and the fascinating world of Dubstep. Follow @yo_edo to keep up with his quirky tweets about daily life in NYC.

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